OK for my one reader out there I am back to blogging. I have been reading blogs all along. Yes that is me stalking your blog. You all have such interesting things to say. The way you ladies express yourselves is phenomenal. I am not even close to being a writer, but every now and then I have a funny story to tell.
As for the family...we are doing well. Miss Kay will not wear her glasses. I have tried EVERYTHING!!!! We are now putting Atropine drops in her "good" eye every third day. She is now crossing her "good" eye, but I am told that is normal. She goes back to the doctor in April.
We finally moved into our new house. It has been almost three years since we left our old one. I still get home sick for the old house and town, but I am much better than I was.
Well hopefully this will last and I can share some of my crazy stories.